alright, time to get a wee bit personal.
i've been blog lurking for a bit. I have tons of favorites organized in my bookmarks that I check out regularly. while looking at other photographers and designers i find myself saying, "i want to be like them." it wasn't until earlier this year that i finally realized i CAN be like these wonderful people, i just have to do it. no excuse, no "but i can't because...", just do it.
and none of this copying. i'll admit sometimes i get so caught up in a few and say, "i have an idea" and then realize it's not my idea 100 percent. it's all about balancing being inspired and being original at the same time.
yes it's risky in this to start something when i'm looking at my bills. it can cause anxiety at times but then i tell myself to calm down. keep calm and carry on (yeah i said that).
there's so many things i need to do and do now. no procrastinating, no self doubting. i've gotta do this. take the leap. just jump.