No I am not singing the Oscar-winning song from Frozen, but I know it's now stuck in your head, sorry.

Late night working (it's 3:45 AM Friday/Saturday as I type this) and I'm listening to The Neighbourhood's "I Love You" (they're the guys who sing 'Sweater Weather' but the entire album is dope, to be honest).

The chorus of 'Let It Go' struck me as I am also dealing with things, specifically the change in friendships and relationships.


It sucks but it is what it is. I like being in control of things, fix them, etc, but you know what? I can't fix everything. I have to let things happen when they're supposed to happen.

Sometimes things fall apart when they're supposed to fall apart.

Anyway, enough about things I can't change or fix. Here's to going with the flow and embracing things.

Until next time,


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