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Today's my birthday and it's surreal that I'm even typing this post today. Surreal, because I went through a lot toward the end of 2013- beginning 2014 that has altered and changed a lot and I really didn't know how I was going to see a light, or if there even was one. Relationships have changed, some people have left, some people came in, situations arose, etc, etc. It's been rough.

But I'm not going to dwell in that or elaborate (in this post). Instead, I'll focus on some things I'm grateful for:
  • My online turned offline best friends. I've unloaded so much on them and they've listened and given me the best advice. Couldn't make it without them.  
  • Let me not exclude the new people in my life. I'm typically a, "no new friends," kind of girl but sometimes things change and I'm glad they did.
  • Finding inner strength. I really didn't know I had it until I needed it. Isn't that how it always happens?
  • The growth in my career. Who knew after 7 majors in college (mmhm) I would find something I truly love doing and be successful? I haven't hit the "it" factor yet, but I'm working on it and I see how much I put in is the same amount I get back.
  • The art of yoga. While I love running (still training for a 10K), I'm learning how to actually breathe and clear my mind. How yogi of me.
  • Learning to speak up for myself. It's seriously been a 27 year battle, but I'm learning how to say, "yes, no, etc," when I need to and not being afraid of what people will think of me or hurt feelings. I still have a long way to go but it's a start.
Here's to 28. New adventures, career growth, and getting tattoos.

For real. The first tattoo is on Saturday.

Until Next Time,

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