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But I'm not going to dwell in that or elaborate (in this post). Instead, I'll focus on some things I'm grateful for:
- My online turned offline best friends. I've unloaded so much on them and they've listened and given me the best advice. Couldn't make it without them.
- Let me not exclude the new people in my life. I'm typically a, "no new friends," kind of girl but sometimes things change and I'm glad they did.
- Finding inner strength. I really didn't know I had it until I needed it. Isn't that how it always happens?
- The growth in my career. Who knew after 7 majors in college (mmhm) I would find something I truly love doing and be successful? I haven't hit the "it" factor yet, but I'm working on it and I see how much I put in is the same amount I get back.
- The art of yoga. While I love running (still training for a 10K), I'm learning how to actually breathe and clear my mind. How yogi of me.
- Learning to speak up for myself. It's seriously been a 27 year battle, but I'm learning how to say, "yes, no, etc," when I need to and not being afraid of what people will think of me or hurt feelings. I still have a long way to go but it's a start.
For real. The first tattoo is on Saturday.
Until Next Time,