You ever feel like getting on a plane, turning off your your technological devices and just be in the moment of wherever you are? And sure you can do it where you are in the present (and you should, but I don't because I suck at it and feel I need it to "survive").

Feeling overwhelmed with life lately, I realized I haven't had a proper vacation since 2012, or a "holiday" as the Europeans/Australians call it.

First, I was all about being near the ocean, and while I still am, I have to remember I can't swim (not because I'm Black--you get thrown into the deep end and have someone tell you to "go for it!" you wouldn't like water either). But then I want to learn how to surf and go snorkeling. Maybe I should learn to swim? Maybe.

Then of course there's the mountains. Be one with nature during the day and go back to a vacant spot via Airnb once it gets dark (I don't camp). Who knows, but the wanderlust is strong in the camp, fam I need to do something about it.

Where's your favorite place to get away from the every day hustle and bustle? 

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