“If it brings me to my knees
It's a bad religion
This unrequited love
To me it's nothing but
A one-man cult…
-Frank Ocean “Bad Religion”

Religion has bothered me to another level as of late. The judgement, the self righteousness, the "justified"'s disgusting.

This isn’t to say I don’t believe in anything, it just means I’m not religious.

There's also the rules, the guidelines, the needing to not be happy or find this faux happiness in order not to feel "sadness" or "anger" or other emotions that's not "sweet." It's not real and honestly distracts from being spiritual at the end of the day. What does the length of my hair or the clothes that I wear have to do with anything? I feel I’m a pretty good person, but will my tattoos be the deal breaker at the end of the day?

And then again, the “holier than thou” mentality some people have because someone or a group of people choose to live a certain way that doesn’t confine them or put them in a box set up by man. This faux fight for freedom to practice while criticizing others for practicing theirs because it’s not yours. Condemning people to hell because of an old law that’s been misinterpreted for centuries as it’s deemed “unnatural.” Everyone has their interpretation of what things say, but heaven forbid I disagree with mainstream evangelical conservatives, I’m going to hell too.

It takes a lot for me to remember it’s not about them or the rules. It’s not about the people. Flawed people arguing with flawed people is silly, no? And if I believe Jesus is a certain way, then I really need to focus on that and try funnel out the noise. I don’t have the time, right, or energey to preach to other people on how to live their life, especially where I am with mine.

I remember this spoken word piece some time ago and my friend reminded me of it. I don’t know if I can say it any better than he did.

**C’s note: Though I’m a Christian (by definition I suppose), I fully believe everyone has the right to practice what they want, and by no means do I want to force anyone to believe what I believe what I believe and how (that defeats the purpose of the post, no?).

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