Sorry I'm Always Political-Not Really

I was never a political person. In my days of oblivion, I thought bygones can be bygones and let's all get along.

My friends are diverse. I was lucky enough not to experience outright racism most of my life (it wasn't until I was talking with my friend about all the backhanded racism we both received growing up).

To be honest, being woke is exhausting. I'd love to turn it off and just float in the world like Forrest Gump's feather.

But here I am, a Black woman living during the Trump administration in real time. Here I am seeing the undoing of what my still President Obama did to make the US a bit better of a place. Here I am seeing people who called me their friend vote for people who are outwardly racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and elitest.

"It's because I'm a Christian."
"We have to pray for him."

Bi...what? Nope, no, nah.

Don't decorate your "White Pride" with Jesus Juice and think I'm stupid.

Not the one.

I try to ignore this crap, limit my time to getting acess to the news, but hell, it's literally everywhere.

And todoy I broke. I let my day get angry by the FCC vptomg tp tale tje mext step to undo Obama's net neutrality.

I know it's not over and they have to defend it in court, but hell, what is the point anyway? This hurts the everyday people and they don't care.

When Trump was declaired to be their presidnet I remember being physically upset. It was other people I worried about. I knew this would happen, that the GOP would eventually plan to screw over the minority sector first (not strictly just race).

I told myself I wouldn't be quiet. I promised my LGBTQ friends, my transgender persons, my fellow Muslims, that I wouldn't be silent. I knew he would come for them and that's exactly what he did.

So I got a bit more political, if you call sticking up for fellow humans political.

And I'm not sorry.

Look, I can't be queit anymore. I can't twirl through life pretending this administration isn't making us live in a dumpster fire.

Maybe it's the inner Harriet Tubman in me that feels the need to champion and speak for the people who can't speak for themselves. I'm proud to wear the liberal snowflake title if that's how you see me (but I'd like you to add Deomcratic Socialst to the title).

I'm always political because I have to be. Because there are people who fully believe pockets of minority shouldn't exist. Who hold themselves as the moral majority (which is ihighly laughable).

So I'm fun at parties.

And I'm always political.

Sorry not sorry.

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